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Ciao Bud


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You can see a mountain here comes Bulldozer
you can see a cloud of fists and dust
it's quite clear why his name is just Bulldozer
it's enough tio see him once again
where's he coming from
no one knows
and nobody would ask such a thing
no one knows
and nobody would ask such a thing.

You can see a mountain here comes Bulldozer
you can see a cloud of fists and dust
he won't be the first one to look for glory
but when he's involved he won't deny
where's he coming from
no one knows
and nobody would ask such a thing
no one knows
and nobody would ask such a thing.

But for a man he's just a good boy
just a good boy with a heart of gold
who likes to go his own way
stay far away from the world
you can see a mountain here comes Bulldozer...
but for a man he's just a good boy...
you can see a mountain here comes Bulldozer...

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Riusciva anche a commuovere: andate a ri-guardarvi Uno sceriffo extraterrestre, poco extra, molto terrestre.

O Piedone, quando spiega a Bodo che non rivedrà più suo padre...


Per tutti quelli che lo consideravano un secondo papà.


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Se qualcuno vedesse i miei mezzi prima di incontrarmi capirebbe esattamente con chi ha a che fare.



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